Don’t Feed Cheese to Dolphins

This Funny Valentine's Card Misleads You (66.67%)

No one gets a Valentine's card addressed to their business. However, every business hopes for love.

I bet you made a special effort to attract a customer last Friday. And again today. You'll do the same tomorrow? And the day after? I'm sure you've written words specially honed to build a long-term relationship. Maybe even a cute image.

But you have competitors itching to steal the heart of your beloved. Sometimes you're not sure where your competitors are. That's why we're sending you this (belated) Valentine—to show you we're thinking of you. We fancy you, and want no one to crush your business.

It's hard to resist a genuinely attractive product, service & business.

Advice that speeds customer love (20%)

1. Let people behind the scenes—into your business—so they feel special
2. Open the door with a hearty embrace—unlock your treasure chest
3. Value every phrase your guests utter—grasp the gift of conversation
4. Express your gratitude fulsomely—no half measures

We'd LOVE to know what you think of this dispatch.

Walk this way a little further (16.67%)

(Terrific communication by other people we think you should see/hear/read.)


Our [GAB*] Tip:

Constant encouragement is powerful

The McDonald's Way 

You are close, but we wish you closer.
We aren't far, but you must come farther.

There is so much competing fast food in sight.
To get your custom, we really must fight
against the distraction
of our competitor's attraction.

We'll cheerlead as you move toward
and supersize your meal as a reward.

*Genuinely Attractive Business

These pictures will make you fall in love with us (40%)

Valentine's Day work for BiteSize Café Bakery (our sweetest client).


Attractive podcasts seduce your ears (40%)  

"The beautiful thing about podcasting is it's just talking. It can be funny, or it can be terrifying. It can be sweet. It can be obnoxious. It almost has no definitive form. In that sense it's one of the best ways to explore an idea, and certainly much less limiting than trying to express the same idea in stand up comedy. For some ideas stand up is best, but it's really, really nice to have podcasts as well."

—Joe Rogen—

Podcasts are great for building one-to-one relationships with your audience. You and the listener share a world together. They experience what you say as if they are the only one you are saying it to.

[Do you want to share a world with your customers and clients? If you like, Show & Tell will help you start a genuinely attractive podcast to do just that.]

Sarah Koenig's Serial podcast proved so attractive, the world she investigated so well told, it attracted millions. Investigative storytelling at its gripping finest. Hear Serial the Brand by Chris here: LINK.

Please listen to dolphins and cheese (66.67%)

(our bid for your podcasting love)

Our podcast ("Business Jazz") is one of the world's most desirable podcasts. It's gentle like a caress off lips on your bare face. We think it tells you how to be a genuinely attractive business. If we get only a single passionate follower, we'll know we are right.

Please tune in here:

The shocking cost to you of misunderstanding (57.14%)

A cartoon to fit with our latest episode of Business Jazz.


Your Next Step Is...

Be fearless in your analysis (20%)

Are you wondering about the percentages we've put next to our headings in this dispatch?

We put each one through the Advanced Marketing Institute's headline analyser. We believe it encourages us to create better titles.

We offer you this practical tip with all our love.

Have a [GAB] week,

Roger, Paul and Anne
