We Better Be Bolder

I’m thinking of you on the day after Brexit. Say what you like about Brexit, but it's certainly bold.

In Ireland bold means naughty. In the UK it means fearless.

Whatever your business, being fearless attracts attention. People admire courage. Confident communications carry further. Bold works.

Our bold tips

  1. Back yourself - no half measures

  2. Only work smartly - not long hours

  3. Lift the big opportunities - avoid distractions

  4. Devote time to learning more  

What's your next communication going to be like? 
Whether it'll be digital on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Email, Website, WhatsApp, text, blog - it's worthwhile being bold.

If it's going to be in print, on a billboard, on the side of a bus, on TV, radio, a hand-written postcard, letter - it's worthwhile being bold.

One more tip

Write down your ambitions.
You've had January to think about them.

Roger's ambition:

This year, I want more people to say:
I've never seen/heard/read/experienced that before.
Show & Tell must have made it. 

I must hire Show & Tell.

The Show and Tell team is ready to help your business improve and succeed by doing our best work for you.

With best wishes,
Paul (Roger & Anne)

Bold Bunny Boldly Going


Our [GAB*] Tip:

Be prepared to be bold

The Boeri Way 

The timid skier is rarely a hit.
Be a bold bunny and use your wit.

Standout so you don't lose your head,
chomped off because you were the same
as those who went before and are behind.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of storytelling power
Then yours is the Earth and everything in it.
And - which is more - you'll be


*Genuinely Attractive Business

Podcasting Is Fly Fishing

It’s how you pull the big fish from the flowing stream,
— (Anonymous)

Podcasts lure people. They give customers (and potential customers) insight into what your business work is like behind the scenes. Also, when you have a podcast, you think more about your business. The quality of your thinking improves. 

[If you like, Show & Tell will help you start a genuinely attractive podcast.]

Are Irish business owners content to stay small? What's your view?
Click for a podcast about this made by Cork University Business School (CUBS)

Listen up

(a bold invitation)

"Business Jazz"  the Show & Tell weekly podcast from Cork. It's different from all the other podcasts. It's raw. It shows you how to be a genuinely attractive business. Your money back if you don't smile while listening to the end.

Tune in here:

Villains Need Bolder Threats

A cartoon to fit with our latest episode of Business Jazz.


Your Next Step Is…

Ignore our advice.

Be mild, gentle, inconspicuous 

  • be nice  

  • be unknown

  • be understated  

... you won't attract half as much attention as you would if you were bold. But it might not matter to you. You might not be ambitious. You might be about to unsubscribe from this crazy Dispatch.

Be bold, be Bold 

You already have allies.

That's our message to you.

Have a [GAB] week,

Paul (Roger and Anne)
